Legio Custodes Shield Captain: Venmor Galba

It has been a while since my last post.  For one reason or another I have lost some of my painting zeal although I continue slowly with my Legio Custodes.  The latest addition, though, is my shield captain, Venmor Galba (obviously his full name is much longer than that, given the number of occasions on which he has distinguished himslef in the Emperor's service).

Galba was a new challenge for me in more than one way.  First I haven't painted many faces, let alone a beard, and a grey one at that,  Second, I haven't painted any cloaks or ropes for a long time, only when I first got back into the hobby and painted some Dark Angels (very badly).  I'm not too disappointed with this effort.  For some reason, I find it easier to paint cloaks the main highlight colour, with the exception of the sharpest highlights) and then paint the shaded areas from there, rather than the other way around.
Legio Custodes Shield Captain
Venmor Galba, Legio Custodes Shield Captain

With my shield captain now complete, I can finish the remaining Custodian Guards.  Just for the record, in terms of the painting scheme for the armour:
  • Base coat Retributor Gold
  • Shade with a mix of Nuln Oil Gloss and Agrax Earthshade Matte
  • Light wash with Reikland Fleshshade
  • Zenithal Drybrush with Scale Color Dwarven Gold
  • Light wash a mix of Druchii Violet and Seraphim Sepia
  • Highlight with a 50:50 mix of Dwarven Gold and Stormhost Silver

Horus Heresy Shield Captain
Painting the cloak was a new challenge for me


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