Reinforcements for the VIIth Legion: An Arquitor Bombard

I have had two main aims when putting together my Imperial Fists Army; first I wanted to paint units I wanted to paint, which meant painting new units.  Second, I needed an army to take on the Iron Warriors, who as well as having access to some of the latest (and most over powered) vehicles that Forge World released, have their infernal Siege Tyrants, quad launchers with shatter shells and their artillery.  As such, having plenty of AP2 to deal with the Siege Tyrants, was a clear priority and the Arquitor Bombard fits that bill (especially in a squadron)

Imperial Fists Arquitor Bombard
I think Forge World nailed it with this design

I'm amazed that the Arquitor isn't to everybody's taste. For me, it looks like a heavy Sicaran in reverse and is nicely balanced (unlike the Sicaran Omega); I think it looks fantastic and you could use it as a proxy for a Medusa, which it most definitely is better looking than.  The bombard takes a bit of painting ant it is fiddly to put the sub-assemblies together, but apart from that it was a relative joy to paint. Autocannons are much easier to paint than lascannons, with all those wires, too.  

Horus Heresy Arquitor Bombard
If you have this view of the Arquitor, and you're a Traitor, then you may be in for a nasty surprise

I painted the Arquitor in exactly the same way as the other vehicles I have painted for the VIIth.  A black undercoat, followed by a light grey one (masking off the parts I intend to paint black metal),  This is followed by a coat of Averland Sunset through the airbrush, Tau Light Ochre as a downlight and then a highlight with Yriel Yellow.  Recessed areas were accentuated with Tau Light Ochre, and the edges highlighted with Dorn Yellow.  The black metal is Abaddon Black with some Leadbelcher.

Imperial Fists Arquitor Bombard
The bigger the gun....

Horus Heresy Arquitor Bombard
Definitely one to paint in sub assemblies


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