Imperial Fists Scimitar Jetbike Squadron, "The Wasps"


Imperial Fists Scimitar Jetbike Squadron
The Javelin jetbikes prepare to lead the advance

The latest addition to the ranks of the Imperial Fists is a six-strong squadron of Javelin jetbikes.  I must say I am very pleased with how these have turned out, rewarding all the hard work I put into them.  Bikes are like cavalry; you have to paint not just the rider but the mount and controls.  Moreover, magnetizing these to the stems was a little fiddly, given there's room only to drill a 3mm hole for a magnet, if you don't want it to be too obvious.  And I found out the hard way that if you try oval bases, the magnetized bikes slip off too easily; 60mm round bases are the only option even if they do take up too much space, in my opinion. 

Imperial Fists Scimitar Jetbike Squadron
The VIIth Legion's "Wasps"

I have high hopes for these as a very potent threat: sporting heavy bolters, which they will shoot at BS5, and obviously Toughness 5, they won't be so easy to kill, and with the whole squadron carrying melta bombs, their purpose is to tear across the battlefield to the enemy's tanks and artillery, plant the melta bombs and move on.  That's the theory; we'll have to see how it works in practice.  Nevertheless, they look great and they are a different unit to those we have played with before, which is part of the appeal of the Horus Heresy.

Imperial Fists Scimitar Jetbike Squadron
Hunting traitors


  1. Hello! I just wanted to say I really appreciated your articles on painting terrain. I'm using your guide on my Dark Uprising pieces and they're really turning out well. I hope you post more terrain painting articles!


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