Reinforcements for the VIIth Legion: Helikaon, the Wrath of Terra


Horus Heresy Leviathan Siege Dreadnought
The Leviathan is definitely my favourite Dreadnought

The Imperial Fists are bolstered by a second Leviathan Siege Dreadnought.  The first was such fun to paint that I couldn't resist a second, to run in a talon.  I still have the option of running one in a Dreadnought Drop Pod, of course, and I have yet to play a 3500pt game with the Imperial Fists - because I don't have 3500 points painted - but it's good to have flexibility.  And they're such gorgeous models that a second just had to be painted.

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought
The second dreadnought is distinguished by its siege claw

Imperial Fists Leviathan Siege Dreadnought
Because two are better than one


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