Reinforcements for the Imperial Fists: Damocles Pattern rhinos


Imperial Fists DeimosPattern Rhino
Anyone riding into battle in a custard-coloured APC has got to be pretty hard

It has been a while since my last post, but I've been busy on a range of projects - some of them painting related and some of them not.  The latest editions to the VIIth Legion's arsenal are two Deimos Pattern Rhinos.  I always like to experiment on a rhino before moving on to the larger (and more expensive) vehicles; it's important to settle on the paint scheme and the weathering.

I like subtle gradients, and by the time the weathering is done, they aren't so noticeable but they are there nonetheless: the base colour is Yriel yellow with an Averland Sunset low light.  I've used Tau Light Ochre to shade the recessed, shaded areas.  The black is a mixture of Leadbelcher and Abaddon black, with a Leadbelcher highlight.  The tracks have Armageddon Dust dabbed onto them, with a dusting of Steel Legion Drab and Karak Stone.  The pin wash is my misture of Abteilung 502's Rust Patina and Brown Wash.

I'm pretty happy with these, although with hindsight I wish I had purchased the Imperial Fists' Deimos Pattern doors.  I had been planning to use large fist decals, but I had forgotten how wide the gap between the door edges was.

My time hasn't been entirely focused on the Imperial Fists, however, and I should have another post soon on some additions to their arch enemies, the Iron Warriors. 


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