Korinthion V: Campaign Update: The unbreakable tide

On Korinthion V, the XIIIth Legion continues to take the fight to the Traitor froces of the IVth Legion who ambushed the Spear of Konor and her sister fleet as they emerged from warp space.  After some initial setbacks, the XIIIth Legion are finally making headway, having won the last few engagements.  The Ultramarines have been using plenty of armour - including a new Spartan for their Praetor and his Cataphractii bodyguard.  The Iron Warriors have been using their Terrax Pattern Termites to good effect, emerging from beneath the ruined streets to target high priority threats like the XIIIth Legion's Spartan.  The Siege Tyrant Terminators have been devastatingly effective, too, deploying into a high vantage point with long avenues of fire.  The Iron Warriors' quad guns are always a threat but do suffer from their short range, which means that they have to deploy in the line of fire of the Ultramarines' armour, and make easy targets for the Predators.

The IVth Legion's problem is that they are unable to stop the relentless tide of armour up the battlefield, and the Ultramarines' Invictarus Suzerain squad in their Land Raider, as well as the Spartan with its contingent of terminators are usually able to progress quickly up the battlefield, with the IVth Legion forced to target the many other heavy threats the Ultramarines have at their disposal.

Spartan Assault Tank
The XIIIth legion's finest

The first outing for the new Spartan

The IVth Legion's quad mortars

Ultramarines Contemptor Dreadnought
The Ultramarines Contemptor Dreadnoughts stand ready to deal with the Iron Warriors' subterranean assaults

Siege Tyrant Terminators watching, waiting to unleash a deadly barrage

A XIIIth Legion tactical squad seizes a crucial vantage point

The menace at the back of the board


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