Ultramarines Spartan: Reinforcements for the XIIIth

"Spartans prepare for glory"

I have finally finished my Spartan.  To say that it was a handful to paint would be an understatement!  It is a heavy old thing and it would probably have been easier to paint in pieces but then probably a nuisance to reassemble.  One reason it took so long to paint (other than being so heavy) is that I have been using the start of Spring to begin assembling more models (including an Ultramarines plasma support squad).  So it is not as if I have been lazy, or lost my enthusiasm for the hobby.  It has to be said, though, that I hate assembling vehicle lascannons - I've just had to assemble four more for some new Javelins -  and painting them.

Horus Heresy Spartan
Bringing the Emperor's Justice to the Traitors

While painting the Spartan, I listened to "Fear to Tread" on Audible, which helped to get me in the mood for Malevolence, which arrived on Friday, along with some more treats from the Forgeworld fairy.  It wasn't my favourite Heresy novel, but then one of my favourites has been "Battle for the Abyss", which isn't particularly popular, but I thought it was a good story that set up events at Calth very nicely.

Horus Heresy Spartan
A close up

The Weathering was when this became more interesting

Ultramarines Spartan
They weren't joking when they said HEAVY support

Horus Heresy Spartan
A handful on the battlefield, a handful to paint


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