Reinforcements for the XIIIth Legion: Rhino test model

Having painted my Iron Warriors' Rhino as a simple test model before moving onto the bigger tanks, I though it would be worthwhile painting an Ultramarines' Rhino, especially as the IVth Legion are more likely to use one in their detachment (I don't have any Termites for the Ultramarines, unlike the Iron Warriors).  I think it's fair to say I am learning, and this model came out better than the Iron Warriors' version.  In particular, a drybrush of the paint used for the dried mud around the tank tracks (or even a lighter shade) - in this case Mechanicus Standard Grey - has helped to make the vehicle look suitably dusty.  I believe one thing all tanks (and APCs) have in common is that everything is covered in a layer of dust (just like my car).

Ultramarines Deimos Pattern Rhino
Definitely not fresh from the production line

My Ultramarines infantry are on Industrial bases, which is why I haven't painted any mud on them.  With the Contemptor Dreadnoughts, I drybrushed on some Mechanicus Standard Grey around the greaves and feet to represent the dust of a disused factory or abandoned starship, since an absence of dirt would have looked out of place.  The vehicles need to be more muddy still, since they will be maneuvering around a battlefield, but keeping with the grey dust paint scheme used on the Contemptors.  So I settled on a Northern European mud look: Mechanicus Standard Grey for the dried mud and dust around the tank tracks and Eshin Grey for the fresher mud down the centre of the tracks and splashed onto the hull.  I used Astrogranite on the tracks (after painting them Mechanicus Standard Grey and then drybrushing with Leadblecher), which I then painted Eshin Grey, before applying a wash of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade.

Without an airbrush, I was anxious about how to emphasise the shadows, but different strength glazes of Kantor Blue and Lahmian Medium on the slopes and recesses have really helped. Finally a recess wash of Nuln Oil and Drakenhof Nightshade was applied to bring out the detail.

I have applied the ForgeWorld transfers, but I should emphasise that the idea for the tactical markings on the top hatch came from #studiodropship.  In practice, there would be an identification number. just like buses have, but it wouldn't have looked so good.  I hope you don't mind me copying your idea, #studiodropship.

Deimos Pattern Rhino
The exhausts have the obligatory soot stains. In the 31st Millennium, Mankind is still running on diesel.

I have used glazes of Kantor Blue and Lahmian Medium to emphasise the shaded areas.

Ultramarines Rhino
A drybrush of Mechanicus Standard Grey all over makes the Rhino suitably dusty


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