A second Ultramarine rhino

Deimos Pattern Rhino

I remember when GW first released the Rhino, and the double page spread in White Dwarf with diagrams of different Chapter patterns; I desperately wanted one.  Of course, it was the Mark I, but a Deimos Pattern Rhino is a very good resemblance, so it has been almost a life-long ambition to paint one of these and now I have painted three: two for the Ultramarines and one for the Iron Warriors.  I am very please with these Ultramarine ones, and looking at them I think I need to go back to the Iron Warriors model I painted first and add some more rust and dust.

With two rhinos I think it's time the Spear of Konor Campaign went planetside, and for the Ultramarines rain the Emperor's Righteous Fury on the Iron Warriors' planetary base. And move onto the bigger vehicles I have primed and base coated.

Horus Heresy Rhino
The Machine Spirit is strong in this one

Horus Heresy Rhino
Better than a 4x4 by far

Deimos Pattern Rhino
Not the best parking I've seen

Deimos Pattern Rhino
Because it's not safe on the streets

30K rhino
Why not test drive one today?


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