Reinforcements for the IVth Legion: Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad

Siege Tyrant Terminator Squad
That's a lot of firepower
I sorely needed to take a break from painting and assembling terrain, and with the first batch of Iron Warriors' Tyrant Siege Terminators having been sitting on their painting corks half-painted for several weeks, making me feel guilty each time I passed them, I thought it was high time I finished them off. They still need tidying up, and of course, the other five need to be painted.

Iron Warriors Siege Tyrants
These bad boys will sit at the back of the table unleashing hell on anyone in the open

With Warhammer Fest in full swing, and exciting details coming out of Coventry, I thought it only fitting that I hold my own little celebration in the form of a paintathlon and see how far I could get on an Ultramarines tactical squad.  With Young Crusader Eternal unwell, and not up to even a game of Bloodbowl, I had plenty of time.  The edge highlights - at which I'm not very good - take so much time, and much more so than the Iron Warriors who can largely have their highlights drybrushed on.  So far these have taken 11 hours and they will probably take another 4 hours including painting their bases and adding scratches to their armour.  I am pleased I managed to get most of the detail work done, though.  I may have much less time for painting for a while, so I want to get the tactical squads for the Iron Warriors and Ultramarines up to 30-strong, and add 2 more units of terminators.
Everything else, such as the tanks and the terrain, should be easier to paint, and also easier to pick up for just an hour or so.  Edge highlights on space marines, however, can be nigh impossible to paint at the end of a long day in front of a computer screen.

My own Warhammer Fest this weekend


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