Tis the season for painting terrain: starting work on my Realm of Battle Cityscape

I am pleased with the concrete effect: the metal details can wait.  The priority is to assemble and prime all the Sector
Mechanicus scenery (and the Basilisks, quad mortars, Sicaran and Spartan to rain fire down across the board).  Those
new Termites Forgeworld have released would fit the Iron Warrirors' narrative perfectly, too.

What's On My Table?  Forgeworld's Realm of Battle Cityscape

Realm of Battle Cityscape
I have been experimenting with different layouts for the Sector Mechanicus Scenery.  I have magnetized a lot of the
pipes and vents, but I won't be magnetizing them all.
Spring and summer are the seasons when I like to assemble models (the light is better for seeing all those mould lines) and prime and base coat them ready to paint over the Autumn and Winter (when it is too cold and damp to use the spray primers and base paints).  They are also the seasons when it is good to work on terrain, mainly because usually the washes and base coats take a long time to dry, so it is best to leave terrain outside to dry more quickly.  With Spring really having sprung, I have started assembling my Sector Mechanicus scenery, which I have been storing in the cellar (of which I am going to need a fair amount) and also I have started work on my Realm of Battle Cityscape boards.

Last summer I sprayed the Realm of Battle boards Mechanicus Standard Grey.  This weekend I was able to paint the concrete effect on the building footplates on two of the boards as well as wash the road sections and drybrush those.  That is a lot of Administratum Grey, Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil I am getting through, as well as a reasonable amount of Ulthuan Grey and Dawnstone.  I haven't attempted to paint the metal details like pipes and storage tanks yet; that can wait until all six boards have had the conrete sections painted.  I am pleased with the progress I have made; they will be much quicker to paint than the Zone Mortalis boards.  However, there are great many pipes, platforms and storage tanks to paint.  It will be a busy Summer.

Horus Heresy
I was wary of the burned out Rhino (top left), until I looked up some pictures of burned out cars and tanks; they
basically turn to ash grey, which happens to be the same grey (Administratum Grey) I am using for the concrete


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