Work in Progress Update


Iron Warriors Siege Tyrants
On the 5th day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: 5 Siege Tyrants...

Reinforcements for the IVth Legion

The painting has taken a back seat the past couple of weeks, partly as my box of primed and base coated models is almost empty.  Almost.  Okay, there are a couple of Deredeo dreadnoughts (one Ultramarine Macragge Blue, the other Iron Warriors Leadbelcher), and 5 Iron Warriors Siege Tyrants.  But it feels like Spring is not too far away, despite the cold snap, and Spring, for me, is the season for assembling and gluing.  And I have plenty to put together.  So far, from the haul that Santa left me, I have assembled 2 Iron Warriors' Contemptor dreadnoughts, 5 more siege tyrants, 3 Legio Custodes terminators, and half assembled another 3 Legio Custodes terminators.  And I have painted the armour on a Custodian Guard test model.  The Custodes won't get painted until next Winter now, but I wanted to try a paint scheme anyway, but that is for another post.

Aquilon Terminators
3 Aquilon Terminators....

Iron Warriors Contemptor Dreadnoughts
2 Contemptor Dreadnoughts, and a Spartan for the Ultramarines


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