Painting guide: Iron Warrior Contemptor Dreadnoughts



Two Iron Warriors' Contemptor Dreadnoughts with Kheres Assault Cannons and Power Claws with Plasma Blasters

Desperately Needed Reinforcements for the IVth Legion

With the Spring-like weather here in London, I was able to prime and basecoat the two Iron Warriors' Contemptor dreadnoughts I assembled a couple of weekends ago.  I have started painting one, trying to tie in with the scheme used on my Domitar Ferrum Battle Automaton and have made good progress.  Here is my painting guide.

Primed with Chaos Black and base coated with Leadbelcher (spray)

Washed with my usual 50:50 mix of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade

Drybrushed a 50:50 mix of Ironbreaker and Leadbelcher with a Medium drybrush

Another view of the highlight drybrush using a 50:50 mix of
Ironbreaker and Leadbelcher

Black details painted with Abaddon Black (Layer brush)

Yellow hazard stripes painted with Averland Sunset (Winsor & Newton No7 00)

Paint chipping: a 1:2 mix of Rhinox Hide and Abaddon Black, stippled on with
a Medium Drybrush but applied wet (ie not taking most of the paint off first)

Bronze and Cooper details base coated with Hashut Copper (over a base coat
of Mournfang Brown)

Warplock bronze
Bronze details added using my 1:1:1 glaze of Warplock Bronze,
Lahmian Medium and water

Iron Warriors Contemptor Dreadnought
Edge highlights: Mechanicus Standard Grey for the black edges and Stormhost Silver
 for the Steel edges.  The bronze areas have been drybrushed with Runelord Brass

Vallejo rust wash
Now for the fun bit: adding rust effects with Vellejo's Rust washes.  I paint around and
over the rivets, paint some rust wash into joints where water would accumulate and then drag
it down with the brush to get streak effects (using my thumb to fade the effect) and drybrush some
rust wash over the model

Nihilakh oxide
Verdigris effect applied using Nihilakh Oxide

Iron Warriors Contemptor Dreadnought
Finally some mud effects on the greaves and sabatons, using the Warhammer TV
method: a mixture of drybrusing and dabbing a wet drybrush with Steel Legion Drab;
followed up with a dabbing of Rhinox Hide on a drybrush


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