Spear of Konor Campaign: The Ultramarines attempt to thwart the Iron Warriors' implacable advance

Zone Mortalis
Would the Ultramarines be able to turn the tide of the campaign?

Campaign Update: Spear of Konor Mission 6

New Year's Eve 007.M31, and in the 31st Millennium the war between the traitor forces of Horus and those loyal to the Emperor continues unabated and without respite. On the Ultramarines' warship, the Spear of Konor, the 31st Grand Company of the Iron Warrirors Legion sense victory, having won the past two confrontations.  They are now within reach of the main engine compartments.  If they can win through to the engine rooms, they might be able to sabotage the thrusters, leaving the Spear of Konor adrift and at the mercy of a broadside.

Ultramarine tactical squad
The XXth Chapter have one last chance to keep the Iron Warrirors from
reaching the Spear of Konor's engine room
The Ultramarines deployed first with a 15-strong tactical squad providing a screen to a 10-strong Invictarus Suzerain squad, a unit that had already been used to devastating effect in defence of the Spear of Konor.  In reserve, the XXth Chapter kept a Contemptor dreadnought, Agrippus the Interred, and a 10-strong breacher squad.
Iron Warrirors Battle Automata
Kronis 'the Hammer" arrives from Reserve
Confident of victory, the Iron Warriors sent a 5-strong unit of Cataphractii terminators and a 15-strong tactical squad ahead to confront the Ultramarines' vanguard. In reserve was Kronis "the Hammer", an Iron Circle Ferrum-Domitar class Battle Automaton and a 12-strong unit of breachers.
Horus Heresy Ultramarines tactical squad
Two tactical squads face off, as the Ultramarines attempt to screen their
Invictarus Suzerain squad manoeuvring into charging distance
Zone Mortalis
Once again, it was one of the XIIIth Legion's Invictarus Suzerain squads that
helped to carry the day
The tactical squad traded fire with their Loyalist counterparts, winning the exchanges and gradually witling the Ultramarine squad down.  However, the Ultramarines' squad main purpose was to screen the advance of the Invictarii, who moved into charging distance of the 31st Grand Company's Cataphractii, knowing the terminators would be too slow to fire any overwatch.  The helpless Iron Warriors' terminators were wiped out, but did manage to claim one of the Suzerains.
Zone Mortalis
The 31st Grand Company succeed in reducing the Ultramarines' tactical squad
to its last 3 members.  Waiting in the wings, however is the Invictarus Suzerain
squad, fresh from a one-sided combat against the Iron Warriors' Cataphractii
With the IVth Legion's Cataphractii out of the way, the Suzerain Invictarus squad turned their attention to the 31st Grand Company's tactical squad, charging them and forcing them to fall back.  Meanwhile, the breachers and Agrippus advanced to join the main combat.

Their centre having crumbled, the Iron Warriors' breachers and Battle Automaton on the flanks were left woefully isolated.  In a desperate attempt to snatch some sort of victory, Kronis "the Hammer" charged the remaining Suzerain Invictarii, having failed to inflict any casualties with its Olympia-pattern bolt cannon.  The IVth Legion's Battle Automaton managed to inflict one casualty on the Invictarus Suzerain squad, itself suffering one wound.  However, it was then that the Ultramarines' Contemptor Dreadnought charged into the fray, relishing an opportunity to make the Traitors pay.  With two strikes of his power fist, Agrippus the Interred felled "The Hammer" and put an end to the 31st Grand Company's advance.

Domitar Ferrum
A last throw of the dice to turn the battle for the Iron Warriors:
Kronis "The Hammer" charges the Suzerain Invictarii


Ultramarines Contemptor Dreadnought
Fittingly, it was Agrippus the Interred, the Ultramarine Contemptor who
finished off the Iron Warriors' Domitar Ferrum battle automaton


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