A second Ultramarine Breacher Squad


Reinforcements arrive for the XIIIth Legion

Ultramarine Breacher Siege Squad
A second Ultramarine Breacher Squad

I have finished the second Ultramarine Breacher Squad (to the extent that any model is ever finished).  With the shields to paint as well, these take noticeably more time than a tactical unit, and much more time than a unit of Cataphractii terminators, but they will give the XXth Chapter on board the Spear of Konor more tactical options.  The Ultramarines can now call upon 20 tactical marines and 20 breachers, along with support units.  At some point I will have to paint another 10 tactical marines, but not until next Winter now.

Heresy-era Ultramarines
These Ultramarine Breachers took a long time, but I'm reasonably pleased

With winter drawing to an end, I have almost finished painting all the models I assembled last spring and primed in the Summer.  I still have a few Ultramarines left, and 2 Deredeo Dreadnoughts, one for the IVth Legion, and one for the XIIIth, which will be fun to paint.  And I really should apply the transfers.  However, Spring is when I assemble models, and Santa Claus brought me plenty of treats from Forge World.  And judging by the turn in the Spear of Konor campaign we have been playing, the Iron Warriors desperately need a couple of Contemptor Dreadnoughts to bolster their close-combat capability.  So it might be time to make another Forge World order again.  I will, therefore, have plenty to assemble.  And the Summer is the season for painting scenery, so I will be painting my Realm of Battle City Scape board, and the industrial terrain to go with it.  Ours is an eternal crusade.

Ultramarine Breacher Siege Squad
For Ultramar, Gulliman and the Emperor, blessed be his Name


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