The Ultramarines call on a Contemptor Dreadnought

Horus Heresy Contemptor
To bring the fury of the Emperor to the traitor legions

For the past couple of weeks I have been working on a Contemptor Dreadnought for the XIIIth Legion.  It was a surprisingly quick project, and I am pleased with the outcome, although with hindsight I wish I had blended some blues to capture the zenith lighting effect.  I'll make sure I do with the Deredeo dreadnought I have sitting in my future projects box. At least I am satisfied with the edge highlights, the transfers and the weathering.  I haven't been painting any dust onto the Ultramarines, given they are on industrial bases, but there would be some dust on a warship, and a dreadnought would have seen many campaigns, so it would look wrong for it not to have picked up a little battlefield dust.  For the effect I simply drybrushed GW's Dawnstone paint onto the lower greaves.

I am looking to see if Agrippus the Interred can turn the fortunes of the Ultramarines on the Spear of Konor; the IVth Legion's 31st Grand Company have won the past two combats and are in danger of breaching the engine room.


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